目前分類:漫游人生之感触良多 (20)

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生- 我期待着的宝宝出生了。原来,生孩子真的很痛!

死离别- 从小看着我长大的婶婶因突发性血癌过世了。痛,心痛!还没来得及看见我的宝宝就走了。月前,妈妈还很兴奋的和婶婶高谈阔论,等我妈开始照顾我宝宝后,要天天带他到婶婶家,你看我,我看你,大家一起带孙。婶婶刚过世那天,家人都不敢告诉我,怕我这个爱哭鬼像日前得知婶婶病危时一样哭得稀哩哗啦。很遗憾,刚做完月子的我并不能送婶婶最后一程。但庆幸,我在月子一坐满的第一天,坚持要到医院看看她。因为我知道,这一看可能就是永别了。。看着躺在病床插满管子,仪器的婶婶,很难想象,明明一个月前婶婶还对着我的大肚子说话呢,怎么却是昏迷不醒了?



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My new philosophy of life:-

"Don't bring office works back to home because my house is not my office."

However, I still checking company e-mail during my day off. But, my made a lil improvement by not to open all unread mails but only selected and not to reply unless it's urgent.

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还不晓得事情到底会发展到怎样的地步 只有见一步 走一步

虽然 事情并不是对我造成很大的影响

但它的确让我理悟到了“本是同根生 相煎何太急”这句话


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  • Jul 16 Fri 2010 15:35

日久见人心 有些人真的只可以哈拉


这种人最好不得啊 *恼,为什么都会被我看到?因为我口封紧,不会说溜嘴?*



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Somebody asked us suddenly:" Do you girls ever take or see my file? I didn't label it and I've been searching it for few months."

We answered:" File? What file? We never take your file and we never notice it."


Phone hanged.


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I need some colours in in these days!


现在又赶着Assignments 整个人有点紧绷


那晚 本来以为可以忍

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有一位N年没联络的朋友 因为有事想找我帮忙 所以联络回我了

虽然以前发生了一些不愉快的事 但毕竟是以前的事了

本来想 也许可以重拾友谊

原来 真的是本性难移这一回事


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I met my long lost pal's mum ytrday night in my sis's wedding dinner. The first thing splitted from her mouth was:" You study at XXXX, right? You study XXX now, right? " =.=

Sounds normal to you but it's lil weird to me.


*Story Starts*

My senior msn me regarding the course I'm taking currently in detail and he told me that he has a friend interested to study as well and his friend is holding same qualification with me. I actually can guess who's the one actually asking me instead of him since he had no intention to tell me who's the friend.

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曾几何时 我们是无话不谈的朋友

随着年纪的增长 环境的洗礼

见到面 除了 嗨 你在做什么


空气中凝聚着 不安的唏嘘

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发觉 开始慢慢找到自我

喜欢过充实的 忙碌得来又有点清闲的日子

喜欢在忙碌时 就在忙

喜欢该休息时 就在真正的休息


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You know what?

I just said "NO" to people! and I said twice though she said "please" to me >.<

It's a bad feeling to reject people though. I hate it but I have to do it.

I just couldn't sacrifice myself to help others, I'm a selfish people indeed. (I did give her some other suggestions in order to make myself feel better. See, Just to make myself feel better.I told you Im SELFISH! )

The job looks simple but required a lot of efforts to put in behind the screen.

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When you shared wonderful things which happened upon you with friends,

(Well, it might a miracle for me and it may be nothing for you.)


They said,

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I thought I will have no time to blog since my friend is staying at my house for a whole week and I was wrong. I'm able to update my blog everyday!


Finally, I gained enough sleep yesterday. It's just felt so great to have full recharged. I was lacking of sleep since the day I was back. I just slept maybe 3 hours during some of those days and I slept 11 hours yesterday! That's the reason I'm still awake now though tomorrow is another outgoing day.


Accompanied mother to get her medical checkup report in Hospital M*****. I had prepared 3 masks 2 days before for today usage. I don't wish to get the swine flu and I bring sanitizer with me all day long since the trip to Melbourne last month to make sure my hygiene maintained to the max.

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两个恋人 之所以会在一起 是因为惺惺相惜


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Yerr, Santa Band went Neway to sing k without me. I wish I was in MY and joined them. Love the moments which spent with them~

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