目前分類:纯分享 (31)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I've received this free movie pass from agency early of the year and it expires on 31 Jan 2015. After so much of delaying, we've finally made to redeem the free movie tickets from TGV. I've chosed twin seats which I expected to cash top up. Surprisingly, I didn't have to pay a single cent for this upgrade!

When we usually go to cinema, I always opt for some movies that suit Stan more (I'm a good wife ;p). But he insisted to have 'Into the Wood' this time and he said I will like this more. He judged based on the few synopsis that I've sent to him. 

This is a production by Disney which consisted the mixture of few famous disney movies, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Rapunzel. But, Stan knew only Cinderella!  

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  • Feb 17 Fri 2012 21:51
  • 无题


近来爱上的fragrance! 为什么是Eau De Toilette, 而不是perfume or parfum? 因为Eau De Toilette 本身的气味比较淡,我喜欢淡淡的花香




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 A little gift to my newborn cousin's princess :)
Enlightenment of the day!

Wish I could start buying mini garments for my sis soon

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  • Aug 26 Fri 2011 00:24
  • 安慰


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This pair of lil shoes are just too cute.
I couldn't stop myself from bringing them home.

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P1011171_副本.jpg DSC07610_副本.jpg




没有烛光闪烁 没有音乐伴随

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好奇之下 在youtube搜索了相关片断
天啊 原来他就是俗称的Suzan Boyle二世

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听说朋友 在Pyramid工作

兴起 答应等她放工后一起supper


天啊!之前 另一位朋友可是大力推荐的哦

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作曲 & 作詞 Composer & Lyricist: 凌加峻
編曲 Music Arrangement: 饒善強 @ Monster Music Production
製作人 Producer: 伍冠諺 @ 義氣音樂

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很想睡 但却还不能睡 ZzzZzz


Anyway, 这是同事从欧洲度蜜月带回来的手信

酒瓶状的酒心巧克力 很可爱吧?

味道?不知道 因为 我没吃

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Santa Band Reunion!

We planned to be Santa Band reunion on Thursday at Friday's but we changed our plan to Fullhouse~


I always longing to go the ara damansara's fullhouse because I had been hearing its big name for quite some time.

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  • Dec 06 Sun 2009 23:16
  • Sports



I had settled myself in front of my laptop and preprared to start with my calculation.

Suddenly, my brother invited me to join their tennis game in the club.

I was rejecting him at first but changed my mind after few seconds because I really think I need some rest and refreshment.

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知足常乐 =)

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Heard of the cave since an age ago but never have a chance to try it on.

Finally, today!

As a reward for myself for being so busy for a whole last week.

Today had submitted the last pieces of assignment for this Sem!

Great feeling though I'll be busier in the following weeks.

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 是不是厌倦了毫无新意的指甲造型?又还是 有种 想帮指甲扮美美 但又措手无策?


不懂那里服务好?就这里吧~ (请看下图)


里面的都是可爱 健谈的专业美甲服务员哦~

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*My new babies from KLCC Book Fest*

"A liltle black dress book" again!

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很 cool 的广告~

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