I had settled myself in front of my laptop and preprared to start with my calculation.
Suddenly, my brother invited me to join their tennis game in the club.
I was rejecting him at first but changed my mind after few seconds because I really think I need some rest and refreshment.
Sports always are the best to to regenerate your power and energy, aren't they?
This was the first time I played tennis.
I touched the racket, I pounced the ball but never had this game before in my life.
We looked so clumpsy with in the court but who cares?
This was our game!
The water in pool seems waving her hand to me as if she's inviting me to jump into her hug.
Luckily, I brought my swimming suit along besides sport shoes.
I never swim in the pool despite the sea since last year!
What a long period!
It's so comfortable to swim freely in the cooling crystal water.
You should have some swimming course if you don't swim.
I can guarantee you that you'll never regret.
Perhaps, sports did refreshed my mind.
I was able to catch up in this morning class with all those brain killing formulaes where I had totally lost last week.
I think, I shall keep this on.