A lot of people asked me, "How's your study in Master Degree?", "Is it difficult?", "It contains a lot of courseworks?", "Why don't you take a fulltime course of 1 year duration instead on taking a 2 years durations partime course?"....
Yeah, I wish I could make fulltime if my financial allows me to do so. Unfortunately, it doesn't. I have commitments and I am 24 now, I don't wish my parents to bear a single cent for my schooling fees. I am not from a rich family and I understand that my parents had been working hard to grow us up throughout the years. I feel great to take a part time course and I don't think I am wasting my time!
What I want to say is, this Saturday is my 1st class of my 2nd last Semester and I am grateful! Grateful not just being knowledged, but also become wiser. I felt myself grew up a lot from every sectors especially mental side. I had learned a lot throughout this course. There are something that I could not gain from books.
Honestly, I felt my shoulders are heavy and upset sometimes due to the busyness. I had sacrified a lot of time, gatherings, holidays since I engaged to this course. It is sort of stress when I have to rush my assignments at nights after the whole tiring working days. I had to say 'No' to invitations if I really running out of time.
Anyhow, I do not regret on my decision making.