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The end of 1st half of 2012 is approaching! I always wonder why the time pass faster and faster as time goes by? Pheww~ So many things happened and being done in the past few weeks..


My 1st own managed project has been launched..

Officially and practically graduated since my last paper in June 2011..

Being travelling to shopping malls few times in a week, OT almost everyday, rushing things, and staying for rehersal til mid night. Finally Fashion Show in Mid Valley Megamall was done..

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LOEWE Spring & Summer 2012 Eyewear Collection and Media Appreciation


The 1st event I've been involved and attended since I joined FP!

Foot skin were peeling off after this caused of walking around with high heels

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Received a challenging task yesterday before I head out to Putrajaya for meeting.


"Lydia, I know this is something extra but I wish you can help me out..Could you please gather some market research and analysis over this weekend?"


(Over the discussion)

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Today is 31st December, the last day of 2011! Everyone is doing resolutions for 2012 but I'm checking my past 2011, just a simple and quick one, to see what I'd done throughout the year:-


Jan & Feb had no much happening besides had Tenji until I have a little phobia, 1st time testing alaska crab and it didn't tasted as good as I imagined, classes, assignmenets, examinations, gatherings, Valentines blaa blaa blaa...

March: I was thinking to collect one crystal globe per month but on 22nd night, I suddenly changed my mind and finally joined World Vision Child sponsorship program after a long said on 22nd and Im still so excited about this until now! It worths me for forgoing my globes.

April: Tendered resignation letter after working for 1yr 7mths.

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I'm moving forward step by step, inches by inches..

but yes, it's still an improvement anyway as long as I'm still moving forward!


Getting closer and closer to what I wish to achieve..

and yes, feeling happy to see the efforts I was putting in do bring result!

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Had send out emails to people and manager commented that we shall be a lil professional regardless what kind of events..Okay..Can't write it in the way we saw in all invitation cards and posters but back to the the typical formal writing way..

Working in a department that somehow needs some creative juices but then our correspondance email with ALL people could not sounds exciting and creative but just in a boring formal way..How sad..

Lesson learned


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I always wanted to learn Japanese since few years ago and now I've enrolled myself in September class with colleague and brother!

6pm opened for enrolment and I reached at 615pm
the number I got was 78!

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Spending my Wesak eve in new company!
As usual and expected, a little boring for the first day.

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  • Nov 11 Thu 2010 22:01
  • Exam


Two days before exam yet I haven't finish study, I went to i-city with sis and bro after dinner with her sis-in-law.

I've been hearing its name since quite some times ago but this was the 1st time I've been there.

The night was raining but we had fun!

We continued our 3rd round at mamak until nearly 4 in the morning and I slept at 5!

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A lot of people asked me, "How's your study in Master Degree?", "Is it difficult?", "It contains a lot of courseworks?", "Why don't you take a fulltime course of 1 year duration instead on taking a 2 years durations partime course?"....

Yeah, I wish I could make fulltime if my financial allows me to do so. Unfortunately, it doesn't. I have commitments and I am 24 now, I don't wish my parents to bear a single cent for my schooling fees. I am not from a rich family and I understand that my parents had been working hard to grow us up throughout the years. I feel great to take a part time course and I don't think I am wasting my time!

What I want to say is, this Saturday is my 1st class of my 2nd last Semester and I am grateful! Grateful not just being knowledged, but also become wiser. I felt myself grew up a lot from every sectors especially mental side. I had learned a lot throughout this course. There are something that I could not gain from books.

Honestly, I felt my shoulders are heavy and upset sometimes due to the busyness. I had sacrified a lot of time, gatherings, holidays since I engaged to this course. It is sort of stress when I have to rush my assignments at nights after the whole tiring working days. I had to say 'No' to invitations if I really running out of time.

Anyhow, I do not regret on my decision making.

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I never had any halloween celebration in my life and I always wanted to have one so badly.

The picture above showed the way I spent my Halloween night when everyone was having parties outside.

Why I always rub my shoulders with Halloween and I not even can attend the Autoshow in I-city  

Tomorrow is my IMC exam day, hopefully everything goes well. *Seems like I have to say bye bye to Distinction unless I score 90/100 *

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Results were out, holidays had ended, time for me to back to school! *Please put your hands together for me as an encouragement*

Again, different from what I wish to, classes remained in 2 days separate sessions.

Attended classes these 2 days, great feeling to back into school life!


However, this will be a tough semester.

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  • Mar 08 Mon 2010 18:43
  • 3rd



Hurray~ I'd started my 3rd Sem! which means I have only 3 more sems to go after this!

We got the titles of assignments during the 1st class and we're shocked by their difficulties. The path seems to be harder and harder.

but anyway, we're willing to challenge it!

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  • Feb 20 Sat 2010 22:17
  • 2010


我好像不像以前一样了 现在感觉每天在想很多事情




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他让我帮他study一下,然后come out with一些方案。

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  • Feb 01 Mon 2010 15:43
  • 考试


时间过得超快 待后天考完这学期最后一科

只要一切顺利 又是新的一个学期了

就快要选主修科目了 真的还没有什么头绪


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  • Dec 27 Sun 2009 02:32
  • 懊恼

说真的 我一直很懊恼


明明是有时间提早复习的 但却很喜欢临时抱佛脚

往往会很后悔 为什么不勤劳点

就像现在 明明头脑和清醒

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Finally, I finished reading my Sugar and Spice yesterday night!

Yeah, I know, I bought it long time ago and I started to read the content 3 months ago.

But, books are meant to enjoy while you read.

Thus, have to make sure things are aside while reading books and with relaxing mood.

Hence, I took 3 months to finish it due to I was able to flip trough it during lunch hour.

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Im a liltle bit of stressed. Wondering do I have enough time? >.<

Oh no, please don't invite me to any outgoing during this mean time.

You know, Im weak enough in fighting against seduction.

I don't wish to pay another few grands and months to re-take the same subject.

So, See you all after 3 weeks.

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很庆幸 也很欣慰


为了逃出那可怕的圈圈 我企图改变原有安稳的一切

踏出圈外的第一步带着犹豫 不安 因已习惯平静 

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