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鄭惠心首張音樂創作EP - 八月十九日面市 - 全馬同步發行

Ariel Chang first self-composed EP - To be released on 19th August - Nationwide Malaysia

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This was a pre-birthday dinner for babie as he'll be outstation on his birthday



A nyonya restaurant located at Curve

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原来不再像 dark chocolate 般的苦

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Today is 31/07/2009! Anything Special? Yes, it is!

It is the last day of July 2009! Isn't it unique?

Nothing much to blog due to I have to stick back with my book later in order to complete those chapters before quiz. I have no idea why I will feel sleepy once I stared at the book. That's the reason I delayed my studying until now. Perhaps, I'll not able to finish them on time.

Here you go with the photos while had dinner celebration during sis's birthday back to 2 weeks ago =)


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                                 Youtube link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI-l0tK8Ok0 

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Mommy Koala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

 潘朵拉是宙斯創造的第一個人類女人, 主要是要報復人類。因為眾神中的普羅米修斯過份關心人類,於是惱火了宙斯。 


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Remember that I said I will find out the solution to post up the video? Yeah~ I actually meant it and I did get the solution.. Thank you very much to Sze Yin for the clue.. Now, enjoy your music! p/s: Thank you to Cathy Mui for help me to test the function as well..^^

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I thought to post the embed code of the video here but it failed although I tried many times.

Well, I insist to share this video. So, the only action I can take is post the URL here.

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