
                                 Youtube link : 

I personally love this video a lot though the older couple are not famous character and people may not recognise them as well. 

I'm longing passionate love and creditably marriage as theirs.
 Hope all of my friends can share this lovely and warm short video. Wish you all live to old age with conjugal bliss~

P/S: Sorry, unable to post up the video here due to technical problem and I am lazy to solve it. Please click on the link and view it.


Maybelline Pure Mineral Foundation

之前,托朋友的朋友帮我在韩国买BB Cream。但是后来,朋友告诉我,她的朋友没有帮我买,九月才买,要不要?

虾米?要等到九月?算了,我自己在Malaysia买也一样,只是贵点 (其实贵蛮多的)

不知是不是天注定?被我无意间看到有人把试用Maybelline Pure Mineral Foundation后的心得blog上来。一直以来,我都想买Mineral Foundation。但没有一次买的成,因为都被其他产品吸引。也不大敢试Mineral Foundation。身边也没有朋友用过。

看了她的blog后,Maybelline Pure Mineral Foundation 深深吸引了我。

原因,液状的它比BB Cream 来得薄、来得透。散粉狀的它,有光線折射效果。随粉附送的毛扫还是100% 纯山羊毛!适合敏感皮肤!

看来,又一次和BB Cream 擦身而过,来一组Maybelline Pure Mineral Foundation 啦~ 我又要败家了


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