My new philosophy of life:-

"Don't bring office works back to home because my house is not my office."

However, I still checking company e-mail during my day off. But, my made a lil improvement by not to open all unread mails but only selected and not to reply unless it's urgent.



Some people's behavior really get me annoyed some times. As long as the somebody (TS) is free, TS will try to ignore that I'm actually don't have time to entertain TS and keep arrange outings with me though I already said I don't have time. After that, tell whoever TS met that I'm a super busy woman and don't even can squeeze a little for TS, have to make prior appointment with me if want to see me, and bla bla bla which I really sick of hearing it.. Come on, please don't assumed everyone has to kill your time for your whenever you have so called free time.

The most annoying part that I really couldn't cope with is, whenever TS needs my help or has any request, TS will keep on saying please x 100 until you sacrifice your own things which is kind of important and urgent just to fulfill TS's needs. In fact, majority of TS's so called important things are not really important tho. Perhaps, nothing else is more important than TS itself in TS's world.

For me, is okay to ask for my help and I'm willing to help whatever and whenever if I can but please just stop using the sentence, "Please x n.. I actually asked XXX's help but she can't, but I know she 100% will help if she can!"  straight after voice up TS's request and before I could voice my reply. Sometimes, I really feeling like I want to yell at TS, "I 100% can help too if I can but sometimes I really can't!" After my rejection, 99% of the response from TS's are, "Okay lor, let me suffer myself lor since you are so busy and cannot help me" which trying to make people feels guilty of not helping TS but instead it raises my anger rather than guiltiness. It's so selfish of TS! Please, the people surrounding you is not meant to please you!

The worst part is, TS will not bother to reply my msg until TS needs me to kill her time again.

Omg~ Spoilt my good Friday mood!

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