My hands and legs are freezing. Yeah, I meant frozen as though they're just taken out from refrigerator after deepfreeze for a whole night. There's only the lowest few degree celcius at the night time and highest 16 degree celcius during the day time as I had to wear the jacket whole day long.


This winter is cooler than the previous winter as the low tempearature should not exist during the start of the season. But, it does came earlier this year. Oh my god, I'm missing Malaysia's hot sun now despite the sweats and the sun tanned it caused. I guess this is the first time I miss it that much.


I used to wish I could stay at a country with four seasons and I'm longing to play with snowball during the winter. I always wondering why wasn't I born in London but the hot Malaysia with summer whole year long? I guess, I know the answer now. I can forbear hot weather and hot sun but not the low temperature during winter. This must be the reason I born in Malaysia and why I love beach that much. I thought I love winter. Yes, I did and still love it but just I'm not suppose to stay there. Perhaps, it's just happen to be my vacation.

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Yerr, Santa Band went Neway to sing k without me. I wish I was in MY and joined them. Love the moments which spent with them~

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The information below was from my email and I would like to spread this new to all of you through blog as I don't own everybody's email due to it's a serious case. Please kindly pay attention and pass the message to your lovely friends especially females.





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首先,想先对老朋友们说声对不起!因为我又二度搬家了,又要麻烦你们把我的地址改一改了~ Paiseh啦



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                                 Youtube link : 

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昨天和今天 怪心情又来找我了

** 哎,表来啦~ 我一点都不好客!**

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  • Jun 04 Thu 2009 15:26
  • 谢谢

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  • Jun 03 Wed 2009 14:37
  • 姐弟

L: When are you coming back? 

Y: Not yet confirm the date. 

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