

Went to KTV again today~ Hoo laa laa ~ Brought my little cousin along this time. She seems enjoying to expose herself to sound pollution huh? XD Perhaps, she's pretty admired our voices.


We're discussing to buy hair styler set before started to sing and we totally forgot our mission after 3 hours. What a brain washed process? >.< It does worked well.

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I have nothing to do with besides some easy n simple houseworks. And I have done my paperworks of the society. Never imagined I would joined this club but I did! What a great feeling as there're some works to keep you busy whilst you're in bored badly.


Somehow, the only thing left is I have to do is just re-print the reports and submit them to the department.


I love today's atmosphere for no reason. My mood was rejoicing whole day long though I was home alone most of the time. I served net, I blogged, and I kept my words! I noticed there're something else to do besides online. Hence, my computer turned off.

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 本来想去Sri Petaling 的夜市逛逛。谁知,大塞车~>.<~可能是因为下雨吧!





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突然觉得有点累 不想出街了



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A health knowlegde to share. It's all about Heart diseases. Worth to have a quick look as Heart Disease is the first killer amongst varieties of sickness. Take good care of yourselves if you love your friends and family well.

A chat with Dr.Devi Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya

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怎知,要开会。其实不去也行,因为只是“观礼”罢了,何况是另一个团体的会(Erm,其实也算是其中一位挂名成员啦)。既然别人邀请的,由留了位子,加上是第一次开放给我们这些菜鸟,当然say OK 啦~ 毕竟刚刚参与这个团体,还是给点面子好,顺便学学东西。身为protem,如果什么都不会,还真有点丢脸。

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一直想买BB Cream,可是又怕不好用而使到它被冷藏,所以一直没买下手。


无意间发现原来sikly girl有出,而且还是罕有的提供两种色调任君选,分别为natural 和 radiants。



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Swine flu cases are getting serious day by day in Malaysia and the number of cases are keep increasing with stunning speed. The disease will even spread faster as the hot weather acts as optimum temperature for them to grow. You may just infected although just walk on the streets without touching others. Neither you nor me will know whether those strangers walked past us are the disease carrier or not. I bet most of them not even know they are until the symtops occur.


The best way to prevent ourselves from the disease is to avoid from crowds and closing areas. I think cinema will be the bad choice for you to spend your day-off during this extraordinary period. More than 100 peoples pack in the closed space with poor ventilation for at least 1 hour or more. I was just so regret to watch movies twice in a day after I noticed this fact. I just couldn't make it clear enough in mind while there're nice movies showing. Fortunately, I am lucky enough to skip from the disease.


But of cause you will not have to too worry if you don't mind be quarantined in a small room as the disease is treatable. Try to imagine, you are just allow to spend your 24 hours in your own room. You can't even step into the living room if there're somebody else stay under the same roof and of cause you can do so if you don't take their health into account. But, I bet you do care.

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You deserved to cheers your day up with some little funny comics





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