When you shared wonderful things which happened upon you with friends,

(Well, it might a miracle for me and it may be nothing for you.)


They said,

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Today is 31/07/2009! Anything Special? Yes, it is!

It is the last day of July 2009! Isn't it unique?

Nothing much to blog due to I have to stick back with my book later in order to complete those chapters before quiz. I have no idea why I will feel sleepy once I stared at the book. That's the reason I delayed my studying until now. Perhaps, I'll not able to finish them on time.

Here you go with the photos while had dinner celebration during sis's birthday back to 2 weeks ago =)


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Waited for so long and finally started the class.

Have no idea about Marketing Management and Information Systems at all but these will be the cores in my 1st sem.

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Tomorrow will be the first day of my class and I'm not ready to bed yet. I had get used to sleep later very night, I may need some times to adjust my sleeping hours back to the normal one.


My consultant made a big mistake which informed to attend the Induction Session at 9am this morning and of course I was the punctual one. You know what? I was the earliest and of course I supposed to be to first one to arrive as everyone are coming at 1pm. Gosh! It was actually scheduled to start at 1pm and I've been told to come at 9am. >.< What a big joke huh?


Nevermind, I went home since it's too early. Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep back though I slept at 3 am the night before. I went Jaya One with Yuyu and sister came along to support someone yesterday night. Err, I meant just Yuyu and I supported and my sis was just following. Whoa, he's still that great though long time never see his Live Show. * Thumbs up * He's the talented one and have good outlooking too. I rather used the word "splendid" upon him instead of handsome. He's just so energic.

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I knew you heard me 


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今天起了个大早,办完重要事,到one Utama逛逛。本来想唱k,谁知没带member card。




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I made myself to attend the small gathering of s6 and I brought my hubby along since they never meet him though we actually coupled 6 years.


There're total twelve of us showed faces during the dinner in 1U. Ten of them normally will organise at least twice gatherings per annum and I never join them since the last gathering back to few years time. Hence, they're familiar with each other's current activities besides me. My fault! I'll try to attend all of those gatherings in future.


I always missed those re-union parties due to timing problems and lost contacts with some of those school mates though we're in one gang long time ago while studied in same class. How shameful am I? I'll never let this happen again in my life.

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