
即使头脑很清醒地说不,身体却不由自主地往 “ON” 按。




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Can you? Can you see that message?

Oops, am I revealing my laziness in front of you?

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You know what?

I just said "NO" to people! and I said twice though she said "please" to me >.<

It's a bad feeling to reject people though. I hate it but I have to do it.

I just couldn't sacrifice myself to help others, I'm a selfish people indeed. (I did give her some other suggestions in order to make myself feel better. See, Just to make myself feel better.I told you Im SELFISH! )

The job looks simple but required a lot of efforts to put in behind the screen.

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Have been asking myself, should I make this blog private?

Well, what the purpose for me to write here if it's private? E-diary that satisfy myself with daily activities recording?

I clicked on the "private" and clicked on the "open" again, and re-clicked "private" but finally last clicked on "open".

A moment ago, I asked myself, shall I stop blogging until I manage to get the whole new me? I'm longing to transmit to a better person, a totally different me but I guess I've long path to go and large space to explore.

I set my goal but sometimes I felt Im lost as if Im wandering in the middle of the large jungle and couldn't make my way out. Im keep turning and turning without notice which direction I actually in and which direction I shall go.

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话说,之前有后悔在duedate之前Submit assignment。所以,这次我又来了个Last Minute才作online quiz。

谁知,当我打完username 和password 后,竟然弹出一个莫名其妙的"Error occured within this page"!还以为我用wireless所以line不好,只好改用楼下的desktop。问题同样出现。这次真得有被吓到~

问了同学,大家面临一样的问题。根本进不到study desk。我俩在那边捶心肝边后悔,为什么不早点搞定。她还比我更怕,因为连Assignment都还没submit。看来,我不用后悔太早submit了。不然,我肯定吓个半死。


后来,得知因为太多人同时submit assignment 和attempt quiz,因而导致system几乎瘫痪。因为这样的原因,quiz 得以延期。其实都不管我的事了,因为我搞定了嘛!但是,Assignment的dateline并没被影响,因为,早前我们已经被advice为了避免系统瘫痪,最好是早点submit。

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刚刚终于横下心,按了"Submit"。其实我是知道还有要改进的地方,但有一点无能为力的感觉,不想改了。更不屑明天才是dateline。但,现在好像有点后悔自己的鲁莽了,深怕会落得重读的命运,毕竟quote了这样多某某某的言论下去,感觉像是抄袭多于自己的作品,希望不会被列为under plagiarism list。哎,人,总是在矛盾之间徘徊。生死已定,节哀顺变吧~ *心情突然跌下了低谷*


不知下个月开始,会不会忙得没天没夜?24/7 无休,当然睡觉时间例外。看来,没办法一天睡10个小时了吧~好像也很久没试过了。**普通人只需要8个小时的睡眠,但我需要10个小时才叫够睡**。希望到时不要连那8个小时都没有。近来已经连8个小时都没有了。昨天的workshop,觉得自己在游魂。>.<


记得有几个人对我说过:"你是那种天塌下来当被盖的人,很羡慕你。" 现在的我难道不是了吗?那个我还在吗?一定还在的。如果真得不见了,就算是踏破鞋,我也要把她给找回来!不可以向挫折低头!我一定要用意志力战胜一切!

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很 cool 的广告~

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Met someone nice

Heard good news

Finally gained the "OK" word

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鄭惠心首張音樂創作EP - 八月十九日面市 - 全馬同步發行

Ariel Chang first self-composed EP - To be released on 19th August - Nationwide Malaysia

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每个熬夜的夜晚 都有它的陪伴



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