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Title: Wargame

Teams: Jumpsuiters vs Non-jumpsuiters

Date: 19.09.2009

Mommy Koala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()




I am enjoying my current way of life


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即使头脑很清醒地说不,身体却不由自主地往 “ON” 按。




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Can you? Can you see that message?

Oops, am I revealing my laziness in front of you?

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Have been asking myself, should I make this blog private?

Well, what the purpose for me to write here if it's private? E-diary that satisfy myself with daily activities recording?

I clicked on the "private" and clicked on the "open" again, and re-clicked "private" but finally last clicked on "open".

A moment ago, I asked myself, shall I stop blogging until I manage to get the whole new me? I'm longing to transmit to a better person, a totally different me but I guess I've long path to go and large space to explore.

I set my goal but sometimes I felt Im lost as if Im wandering in the middle of the large jungle and couldn't make my way out. Im keep turning and turning without notice which direction I actually in and which direction I shall go.

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刚刚终于横下心,按了"Submit"。其实我是知道还有要改进的地方,但有一点无能为力的感觉,不想改了。更不屑明天才是dateline。但,现在好像有点后悔自己的鲁莽了,深怕会落得重读的命运,毕竟quote了这样多某某某的言论下去,感觉像是抄袭多于自己的作品,希望不会被列为under plagiarism list。哎,人,总是在矛盾之间徘徊。生死已定,节哀顺变吧~ *心情突然跌下了低谷*


不知下个月开始,会不会忙得没天没夜?24/7 无休,当然睡觉时间例外。看来,没办法一天睡10个小时了吧~好像也很久没试过了。**普通人只需要8个小时的睡眠,但我需要10个小时才叫够睡**。希望到时不要连那8个小时都没有。近来已经连8个小时都没有了。昨天的workshop,觉得自己在游魂。>.<


记得有几个人对我说过:"你是那种天塌下来当被盖的人,很羡慕你。" 现在的我难道不是了吗?那个我还在吗?一定还在的。如果真得不见了,就算是踏破鞋,我也要把她给找回来!不可以向挫折低头!我一定要用意志力战胜一切!

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Met someone nice

Heard good news

Finally gained the "OK" word

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I was a bit out of track back to few days ago but getting myself back in track little by little. 

24 hours seems to be not enough for a day. Will Santa Claus bring me more 8 hours during X'mas? XD

I'm rejoicing for encountering busyness which lost in my life for an age. Am I alright? People wish to be free but Im in the way round.

Haha, Perhaps Im crazy. You know, boring life sometimes does make people mad.

Hate life which is just surviving for lives.

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Woo Hoo~ Finally done my assignment 1 which was an online quiz. I tried the practise quiz before attempted the exact one and I was shocked! OMG~ I never ever had a glance at those information before and I couldn't recall they're actually stated in the book.

I started the exact quiz without read the book again so that I may find out those " missing " information. due to I believed they're no existing in the book. Haha~It's actually easier than what I imagined. Sort of relieved.

I supposed suggested by lecturer to attempt the quiz 1 or 2 days before its closing date but I didn't, resulted from surrended to temptation and ''evils''. I was actually quite nervous yesterday midnight because something flashed into my mind. I remembered they said the due date is on 3rd of August but they didn't mention the time. How if the time falls on 12am? means it's 10pm on 2nd of aug in MY. *Terrible thought!* But it just bothering me for few minutes because I will not able do anything if I really missed the quiz due to ownself problem. So, what for nervous?

Oo ya, I attended the Old Folk House visitting on Sunday after class which organised by Kelab Rakan Muda Seri Subang. No curious! The kelab is joined by people from 15-25 years old. I'm still under their age coverage, k? It's not a bad one. Quite a number of people joined our 1st activity. Hope more people will join us in next activities.

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今天起了个大早,办完重要事,到one Utama逛逛。本来想唱k,谁知没带member card。




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Went to KTV again today~ Hoo laa laa ~ Brought my little cousin along this time. She seems enjoying to expose herself to sound pollution huh? XD Perhaps, she's pretty admired our voices.


We're discussing to buy hair styler set before started to sing and we totally forgot our mission after 3 hours. What a brain washed process? >.< It does worked well.

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I have nothing to do with besides some easy n simple houseworks. And I have done my paperworks of the society. Never imagined I would joined this club but I did! What a great feeling as there're some works to keep you busy whilst you're in bored badly.


Somehow, the only thing left is I have to do is just re-print the reports and submit them to the department.


I love today's atmosphere for no reason. My mood was rejoicing whole day long though I was home alone most of the time. I served net, I blogged, and I kept my words! I noticed there're something else to do besides online. Hence, my computer turned off.

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 本来想去Sri Petaling 的夜市逛逛。谁知,大塞车~>.<~可能是因为下雨吧!





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突然觉得有点累 不想出街了



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怎知,要开会。其实不去也行,因为只是“观礼”罢了,何况是另一个团体的会(Erm,其实也算是其中一位挂名成员啦)。既然别人邀请的,由留了位子,加上是第一次开放给我们这些菜鸟,当然say OK 啦~ 毕竟刚刚参与这个团体,还是给点面子好,顺便学学东西。身为protem,如果什么都不会,还真有点丢脸。

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Great KTV day with buddies =)



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I had spent a great day with Santa Band and of course another two guys.


We shopped together, played in the fitting rooms, watched movie, chuckled madly and had our 1st tryed at Tenji~


To be honest, the food in Tenji were just so so but I love the environment especially whilst the beloved friends were with you.

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今天已经是回家的第三天了~ 问我心情如何?一个字就可以很贴切的形容到。





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