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Yesterday was 1st of April 2011. It supposed to be April fool day but I was luckily enough to escape from any fool. Nothing special happened except my two hands were nearly numb helping my former school assistant principal who is now the principal to carry 4 heavy bags from the high up office to his car. No blamed, I was volunteering to help.

And today is already 2nd of April 2011, yet I haven't manage to get any job offer. To be more accurate, I actually been offered a career opportunity by my current boss to help him in another business of his. But, I'm still doubting and my desire is getting lower and lower after several discussions with him. So, that means, I am going to be jobless very soon in another 28 days. I'm starting to get worried about the source of my income. Some fixed expenses are still there no matter whats is going on in the world. Mouth stops when hands stop, this is a famous quote of Chinese folks.

Again, I'm starting to consider should I set my blog visible only for invited readers. Thinking...

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Finally got my handbook of child sponsorship from world vision. Surprisingly fast as I've been informed the whole process may take up to 3 weeks and now is only 1 week apart.

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I'm going to be regular customer of the clinic soon LOL

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22nd of March 2011 is a memorable day of mine.

I did one thing that I wanted to do long time ago. I had finally adopted a child through Worldvision. A lot of people may say, "adopted one child by paying RM 50.00 per month? Oh no, I don't even have enough money to feed myself!"

But, I don't agree with them, especially when the words came out from someone who earns 3k per month and rarely pay for any of her expenses.

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The very advanced country, Japan almost ruined by the earthquakes and tsunami, the so called nature disasters. Tears rolling when I read the news. How many people had been killed and how many of them had lost their homeland and families? These kind of nature disasters seem to be happened more frequently and rapidly compared to old days.

Were they really 'nature' or caused by human behaviours? People keep ruining their earth planet with many different and yet creative ways. Our mother land may be burst into nothing one day later if self examinations do not take place. Were the symptons able to awake every single child who protected and cuddled by the mother earth? I hope so.

Perhaps, I can do a little thing for it tho it is rather a small matter. I had agreed with my caring spouse that there will be no sharkfins served in our wedding dinner. Imagine, 10 bowls of sharkfins for each dining tables, 700 bowls of sharkfins for the whole dinner. How many sharks had been sacrificed just to satisfy our appetites?

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Recently I have a strong feeling that my current life is BORING! No other things besides work, study, work and again, STUDY & WORK! Have to work from Monday to Friday and sometimes even on Saturday, full day classes on Saturday, nothing-special-to-do Sunday. And this is how exactly my life routine is!


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The best gift I ever received in the precious Women's Day is the call to ask for attending interview! Oh yes, I'm supposed to be low profile just in case I fail to get the job offer. But honestly, I don't think the company will hire me even after interview. The very good reason is, I'm an idiot of technologies stuffs. But why not have a try since it's a good try and a good start. Another great experience gained eventhough if I failed. And, I'll still happy with the result :)

A senior of mine announced she's officially unemployed yesterday. Many people may thought how crazy we are. We resigned without any secured job offer? But why not? This is so called life! Life supposed to be fulled with challenges and unplanned events to keep it interesting and exciting. It's just alright no matter what decision had made as long as we are comfortable with it. Don't you think so?

Another news stunned me yesterday night. Something horrible happened on my friend. As promised, I would not tell anyone with her story but I'm sorry to mention that, I cursed the stupid fellow to hell. I know, cursing people is not a good behaviour but I bet you will do the same if the incident happened on the people around you.

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  • Mar 05 Sat 2011 19:19
  • 闲逛


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Deng Deng~ A wonderful gift from New Zealand from a lovely friend.
Apparently, this is my 2nd wedding gift.

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Old school pal was back from UK to MY for holidays after 2 years apart. Taking this opportunity to meet her up. Thus, I had organised a small yamcha session occasionally, there were only four of us turned up but that's what I hope :) (guilty)

You know, we couldn't chat much if the group is big. 4 to 5 persons are just perfect! Glad seeing them especially her growing fast and getting mature. She's always a great and aggresive person. I love her attitude to live her life greatly. Although the time we spent together just now wasn't long enough but I still feel great for able to meet her up before she flies off again. The next meet up probably will be another 2 years later :)

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I'm ready to change, to be a much better person with brighter future career. Thus, I had made my decision finally. Resume had been updated but still amendment needed. The next thing to do in late Feb or probably early March is to submit my resignation letter :) Hopefully, I will able to get a better career with good future.

Yesterday was Bunny Valentine, had been assigned by boss to submit documents in Putrajaya. Ok, fetched my brother along so that I had a company along. The queue in those departments wasn't long but their speed of working were rather slower than the snails. Being waiting and waiting and finally things settled at 5pm. Erm, considered overtime if I was still on my way back stucked in traffic while the rests leave office at 530pm sharp? Whatever, no overtime claim. Bear my own petrol as well if overused allowance.

Since it's already 5pm, so we decided to wait for my bro's friend off from office and joined us dinner at Tenji. Had been sitting at PappaRich Cyberjaya and finished a set of teatime meal each of us.

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  • Feb 02 Wed 2011 01:23
  • :)



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What is this? It's a quarter done knitting handicraft of mine. An ugly one.
Because of its ugliness, I had unknitted it and will redo when I get my new pair of needles.
Task to do in Feb school break:
- finish remains incompleted parts of my book

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两头蛇并不可怕 但油腔滑调、放暗箭、见风转陀的墙头草才是高人。
看着攀来攀去 频频暗算周围小花的墙头草 心理写个‘服’字给它

不行不行 这地方真的不是我这种道行不够深厚的人呆的地方

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I was in a bad mood and cried until my eyes swollen.

But, I'm feeling much better now. Good night, world.:)

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  • Jan 16 Sun 2011 22:32
  • Lie

I lied while I said I felt normal
I feel I am blessed indeed

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  • Jan 14 Fri 2011 22:44
  • 冷笑

我看到 一位以前我以为可以交心 却屡次出卖我的友人 在面子书上写着:



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I'm crossing fingers and pray hard, hopefully the one who caught with 30% plagirism wasn't me. Otherwise, I have no idea what's going to happen on me.

The most challenging part throughout the study progress is doing assignments. We're always been given popular titles and most probably more than thousands people had wrote about those companies we had chosen as our topics. To avoid from plagirism problem, we sometimes have to choose not-too-famous companies. But the problem is, we coudn't collect sufficient supporting information from the web due to their low popularities.

So, we have no choice to choose some well known companies. And again, another problem arises as we are easily to be caught under plagirism. Imagine, more than a thousand people had written the same companies under the same topics from all around the world, it is a tough task for us to avoid from falling into plagirism issue tho we are not copying since the statements written by us are the facts and also known by others.

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Back to work today and I was so busy until I just drank my morning made coffee 15 minutes before I finished working hours. My incoming tray still stuck with a lot of unclear documents. Next Monday must be another super dual busy working day.

Finally, skin wasn't as itchy as before and no more red patches. However, the chinese medical doctor that I visited told me, my skin allergy takes time to fully recovered and I have to stop eating mushroom and seafood. WHAT? No more seafood? Nah, I wouldn't obey. Ok, I will take less. :)

Whoa, my nose is dropping. Kept sneezing in the office and non-stop coughing. I should take 1 more day MC. Oh please, I wanted to recover faster. I H.A.T.E. running nose and my sensitive nose! The doctor asked me to take medicines 4 times per day and I just take once before I sleep. No way for me to take in the daytime, it caused me to feel sleepy and drowsy. I couldn't just lay on the table and sleep in the office when I'm suppose to work.

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