Old school pal was back from UK to MY for holidays after 2 years apart. Taking this opportunity to meet her up. Thus, I had organised a small yamcha session occasionally, there were only four of us turned up but that's what I hope :) (guilty)

You know, we couldn't chat much if the group is big. 4 to 5 persons are just perfect! Glad seeing them especially her growing fast and getting mature. She's always a great and aggresive person. I love her attitude to live her life greatly. Although the time we spent together just now wasn't long enough but I still feel great for able to meet her up before she flies off again. The next meet up probably will be another 2 years later :)

*Lil souvenir from great Yan Mun. I was so surprised that she remembered she said she's going buy me tea when she's back. See, she's just a lovely friend!*

*Again, she said she couldn't attend my wedding dinner and will buy me wedding pressie. As what she had promised, this is the 1st wedding pressie I received. Thanks and I love it!*

Another friend is getting marry next year, year of dragon! Happy for her! As our age get older, more friends are getting engaged and married. Some even with children. It's so nice see everyone to find their true loves, desired career, great future.. Time just passed with a glimpse.

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