OMG OMG OMG~ I'm soooooo boring!
That's why I blog! Blog about non-sense things!
Stan was away for outstation work and it was the 1st night I slept alone since we married 2011!
I dare not to switch off the light, so I left the wall light on..
Don't take it wrong, not because of I was afraid of darkness, okay!
It is just because I would have to wake up in the mid night due to the difficulty to sleep with big tummy. I just worried that I would knocked something and there's no one there.
By the way, I think I had very healthy meals yesterday! As usual, 1st meal would be definitely my Dumex milk prepared by Stan. Then, I have 2 apples instead of having bread!
Another orange again at the night 1 hour after my dinner. So many fruits!
Since I was so healthy yesterday, I've decided to reward myself with McD breakfast this morning. See, it's without egg cos I've taken eggs during yesterday dinner. Wahaha, at least it is not so harmful