My friend said I updated my blog tooooooooo slow and urged to do so.
Haha, well, I think I ought to move faster. Otherwise, she may abandon my blog.
My brain is actually stucked with the blog's contents and totally have no idea what should I write to share.
Erm, I am going to jogging later. Maybe, I shall share this?
As I said in my previous blog, I planned to make the jogging as my daily routine.
So sorry! to me and my readers. I failed the task.
Well, well, now I am going to make it in my weekly routine.
Yeah, yeah, I know you will not put high expectation on me anymore but I wish I will keep my words this time. *crossed my fingers*
My favourite jogging path is the Spinnaker Park.
It is a great place with strong wind blowing and good scenery as if I thrown myself into the hug of natural.
I not even felt I was actually sweating until I stopped.
I guess the wing wiped my sweat away whilst it was trying to rubbed my face.
I could just able to finish one big round up to date due to my poor stamina.
I had been lack of exercises for a long long while.
I shall take some times to train back my stamina so that I could increase the distance I jog.
Hopefully, I will able to make it in my next jog. *crossed my fingers again*
*This was the sunset view at the park. The sun was sinking within 1 minutes*
*This is the Spinnaker Park. I took this from the opposite of the park*
p/s: I just noticed it is the park today though I saw it many times before
*Sorry the for the photos' quality*