



Mommy Koala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Santa Band Reunion!

We planned to be Santa Band reunion on Thursday at Friday's but we changed our plan to Fullhouse~


I always longing to go the ara damansara's fullhouse because I had been hearing its big name for quite some time.

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很常对自己说 别把自己的私事透漏太多给外人知道

但每次别人问起 我又会说实话了

好像 最常被问的问题是 ‘薪水多少?’

有时候 我觉得没什么啦

讲不是讲咯 又没有什么害处

Mommy Koala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

  • Dec 06 Sun 2009 23:16
  • Sports



I had settled myself in front of my laptop and preprared to start with my calculation.

Suddenly, my brother invited me to join their tennis game in the club.

I was rejecting him at first but changed my mind after few seconds because I really think I need some rest and refreshment.

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Finally, I finished reading my Sugar and Spice yesterday night!

Yeah, I know, I bought it long time ago and I started to read the content 3 months ago.

But, books are meant to enjoy while you read.

Thus, have to make sure things are aside while reading books and with relaxing mood.

Hence, I took 3 months to finish it due to I was able to flip trough it during lunch hour.

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The Movie <2012> had on show for so many days and finally I made myself avaible for the movie. I brought my lil cousins who all the way come from Johor along. The movie wasn't bad but it didn't really meet my expectation. Maybe I put too high expectation of mine upon it. Anyway, it's worth to watch in the cinema instead of DVD. Great sound effect! I love to talk during movie watching. Erm, shall I describe it as 'I love to share my feelings?' It's fun to have someone with similar behaviour to sit beside me. I guess we're the only 2 ppl kept talking during the movie session.

We past by a McD while on our way back and it's 3.30 am. We decided to wait for McD's breakfast,one of my favourite meals. We acted like overaged children and played in the children section to kill our 30 minutes. You know, McD breakfast just start at 4 am. "Ring, Ring, Ring.." My hp rang and my bro said he wanted to join us for breakfast. Hence, he came.

The needles of clock already pointed to 5.50 am while we reached home. What a great feeling. I had abandoned night life for more than 1 year!

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终于 姐姐嫁了

说真的 有少许感动

平时像小女孩般的大姐 已为人妻

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今天上班 显得特别的话少

听不到 叽叽喳喳的声音


一旦忙起来 我会变得沉默


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  • Nov 16 Mon 2009 21:33
  • 变脸






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