I'm ready to change, to be a much better person with brighter future career. Thus, I had made my decision finally. Resume had been updated but still amendment needed. The next thing to do in late Feb or probably early March is to submit my resignation letter :) Hopefully, I will able to get a better career with good future.

Yesterday was Bunny Valentine, had been assigned by boss to submit documents in Putrajaya. Ok, fetched my brother along so that I had a company along. The queue in those departments wasn't long but their speed of working were rather slower than the snails. Being waiting and waiting and finally things settled at 5pm. Erm, considered overtime if I was still on my way back stucked in traffic while the rests leave office at 530pm sharp? Whatever, no overtime claim. Bear my own petrol as well if overused allowance.

Since it's already 5pm, so we decided to wait for my bro's friend off from office and joined us dinner at Tenji. Had been sitting at PappaRich Cyberjaya and finished a set of teatime meal each of us.

Well, I had Tenji twice within 2 weeks and please, no more Japanese buffet invitation for a short while, plus I had broken from overspending lately. Here you go with some pictures captured in Valentine's Day. Again, Happy Valentine's Day!

*A lil DIY menicure to welcome bunny Valentine*

*Valentine's Tea with bro*

*Alaska King Crab!* 

*My lovely one*

*Another lovely one*

*Rabbit celebrated bunny Valentine*

*Part of our foods*

Another lil story happened during our dinner. We noticed Tenji served every couple a set of lovely Valentine's heart shaped cake but not us. We're wondering why. We looked around, there're only lil foods on other couples' tables and they talked rather soft. Conclusion, we looked more like friends than couples just because our dining table was fulled with yummy foods and we talked and laughed our lung out.


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