
Finally get some rough idea how to start with the assignment but the problem is I HAVE TO READ QUITE A NUMBER OF JOURNALS AND ARTICLES before I start drafting! OMG~ Terrible one.

Ok Ok, I will cope with this kind of situation.


Messages for Lollipop:

1. Stop playing Facebook games. ( Addicted to Bejeweled Blitz )

2. Try not to on internet while doing assignments, eventhough if you're just reading those sources. ( Internet acts like poison, once you try, you will dream of it day and night )

3. No outgoing until you finish your final pieces. ( Sorry, friends )

4. Get yourself some lollipops in case you can't concentrate. ( Used to eat lollipop while studying )

5. Say NO to temptations. ( Don't try challenge me yeah )

6. No blogging until you finish your draft. ( The moment you see my new post, means I'm done with the draft )


Anything else? Perhaps, that's all.

Oops, what I am doing now again? Blogging with internet power on and playing bejeweled at the same time but without lollipop.

Alright. Plan starts tomorrow.



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    Mommy Koala

    ♪♬ Mommy Koala @ Ϛugar and Ϛpice Garden♬♪

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