目前分類:悠哉游哉 (9)

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  • Oct 19 Tue 2010 21:55
  • Nature



Suddenly realized I had drawn myself into Facebook for too long hours

It was sort of addiction

 Nah, I would not allowed this happened to me!

Mommy Koala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



I would like to share this amazing photo with you all.

This was what I seen while I looked out from aircraft on my way heading to Australia in the midnight.

It was around three something in the morning according to Australia time.

Mommy Koala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

终于 噩梦暂告一段落了

还有三个学期就可以毕业了 加油

其中两个学期可是为未来铺路的关键啊 不可以掉以轻心

很抱歉地说 这次的考试 我没能做到我想要的

还是临时抱佛脚 唉~

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“营火虫 萤火虫 慢慢飞

夏夜里 夏夜里 风轻吹。。”




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  • Feb 03 Wed 2010 22:58
  • =)



Bought this toy 2 weeks back. Had no time to explore it yet. Finally, I had my time free~ Hopefully I am able to rebuild it after this =)


I had been Curve to shop for Annual Dinner's stuffs after sunburning in Putrajaya right after exam

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Mommy Koala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

This is a king's weather.

Blue sky with a little bit of white cloud.

It's a perfect day for outgoing,doesn't it?

Mommy Koala 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

My friend said I updated my blog tooooooooo slow and urged to do so.
Haha, well, I think I ought to move faster. Otherwise, she may abandon my blog.
My brain is actually stucked with the blog's contents and totally have no idea what should I write to share.
Erm, I am going to jogging later. Maybe, I shall share this?

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